Castelar Dragons Foundation (CDF) is the Parent Teacher Organization of Castelar. CDF exists to support the diverse students at Castelar by enriching educational opportunities that uplift them for a more equitable future.
Projects that we work on to support Castelar are yearbook, gardening club, the room parent program, and fundraising for enrichment programs.
If you want to be a candidate here is the timeline.
You may run to be either President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Member-at-Large*
Please communicate in writing/e-mail what office you wish to run for by September 7th by emailing
250 word max Candidate Statements due in writing/e-mail by Sept 7th
$25 cap on Campaigning materials
Week of September 18th Election Week-only members vote in an in-person paper ballot only election
Week of September 25th - Results posted
* Per LAUSD Policy any LAUSD employee is not eligible to hold office